Our Platform
Implementing Mental Health Curriculum
Establishing School Mental Health Days
Increasing School Counselors
Raising Awareness
Prioritizing Substance Use Prevention Efforts
Embracing Everyday Activism
The PA Youth Advocacy Network's Platform started as a youth-written Starter Agenda. A statewide youth and stakeholder survey was conducted to assess what was missing and what could be realigned to better reflect youth needs regarding mental health. The Starter Agenda was updated and finalized to become the current Youth-Led Advocacy Platform. An important component of the platform is embedding equity throughout.
Key youth stakeholders helping to guide platform creation over the year were youth advocacy network alums Connor Dalgaard, Abby Rickin-Marks, and Luna Plaza, as well as network partners and stakeholders across the state. We continually strive to enhance our platform. Your ideas for inclusions and updates are valuable to us. Email us at payouthadvocacy@gmail.com .